

This humorous 60-second spot, positions Arrest-a-Pest as the ideal solution to a homeowner's losing battle with termites. It won a Silver Microphone Award.

Brass Rail Restaurant

The Brass Rail Restaurant wanted to promote their completely revamped new menu. We came up with this fun spot that got the word out in a clever and compelling way.

John Bacon Salon - Hairdresser Horror Story #143

This 60-second spot was part of a very successful "Hairdresser Horror Stories" Campaign for John Bacon Salon. The client wanted to drive home the difference between the quality of the work at their salon and the less than perfect haircut you get at those chain/inexpensive salons.

John Bacon Salon - Hairdresser Horror Story #256

This 60-second spot was part of a very successful "Hairdresser Horror Stories" Campaign for John Bacon Salon. The client wanted to drive home the difference between the quality of the work at their salon and the less than perfect haircut you get at those chain/inexpensive salons.

Fresh Connection Seafood

When you have "fresh" as part of your name, you better be serious about your commitment to high quality products. We created this humorous spot to help Fresh Connection Seafood communicate what "fresh" seafood really means to them and what it means for their customers.

Willow Tree Poultry Farm

With the warm weather approaching, the folks at Willow Tree Poultry Farm in Attleboro, Massachusettts wanted to promote their farm fresh "pack and go" food products like chicken salad and barbecued chicken. We came up with this entertaining spot to grab listeners' attention.